8500 W. Cold Spring Road ~ Greenfield, WI 53228

Mass Times

Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.

Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.


St John the Evangelist Parish


The Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 22, 2024



Confessions are held on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. at the northwest entrance (opposite the Adoration entrance) of the church.

For live Adoration or live Mass, click here to view our YouTube channel.


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Perpetual Adoration

We have 24-hour, seven days a week of Perpetual Adoration. Please enter via the south doors of the Church.

"Could you not watch one hour with me?" (Matthew 26:40)

Adoration will be closed on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24 between 5:00pm and 10:00pm.


Office Hours Parish (414) 321-1965 (414) 321-8540 School

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.

After Hours by Appointment Only

Our Staff

Father Michael Merkt, Pastor                                        Email: mmerkt@stjohns-grfd.org 

Steve Pemper, Deacon                                                Email: spemper@aol.com

Denise Kasulke, Dir. of Administrative Services            Email: dkasulke@stjohns-grfd.org

Karen Schulteis, Dir. of Liturgy & Music                        Email: kschulteis@stjohns-grfd.org

John Paul Shimek, Dir. of Lifelong Faith Formation      Email: jpshimek@stjohns-grfd.org

George Pitman, Jr., Bookkeeper, Building & Grounds    Email: gpitman@stjohns-grfd.org

Jan Sadlon, Parish Secretary                                      Email: rectory@stjohns-grfd.org or                      jsadlon@stjohns-grfd.org

To Donate or Make a Payment Online

Gospel Reflection

December 22, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Blessed Virgin teaches us the secret to being blessed, happy, and full of joy. When Elizabeth, her cousin, greets her, she calls Mary “blessed” for two reasons: her motherhood of Jesus and Our Lady’s belief that “there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord” (Luke 1:45). Mary is “blessed” entirely because of her relationship to the Incarnation of God in Jesus, and for no other. This, of course, makes perfect sense because as the Lord, as God-in-the-flesh, her son is the source of all blessedness, life, and joy. Mary is blessed because of her contact with Jesus and her faith in him.


So, it is with us, too. We become blessed by our “motherly” contact with Christ in our souls through baptism. He lives in us and grows to maturity within us. We bear him to the world. This requires unshakeable faith that his promises to us will be fulfilled despite all the problems and difficulties that plague us. We become blessed, happy, and joyful in the measure that we are in contact with Jesus and trust in him.


Advent challenges: 1.) This week, go to someone who has borne the love of Jesus to you and tell her or him how they have been a blessing to you. 2.) Name someone in your life now to whom God has sent you to bring Jesus’ presence. Pray: “Lord, thank you for the blessing of sending me to bring your presence to this person. Help me bear you faithfully to him/her.”

— Father John Muir


  • Sun, Dec 22nd

  • Sun, Dec 15th

  • Sun, Dec 8th

  • Sun, Dec 1st

  • Sun, Nov 24th

Love One Another Catholic Campaign

In the Summer of 2021, we entered the pilot wave of the Archdiocesan campaign, "Love One Another." Below is a video we produced to present some of our case elements. For a more detailed description of our case elements, or if you want to donate, please click here.



St. John the Evangelist is a Roman Catholic Eucharistic community faithful to the values and traditions of the Church.  We strive to live our faith every day, to embrace stewardship, and to be nurtured by continuous Christian Formation.